Good Theological Thursday
A space to have conversations about your life and God and how they fit together
166 episodes
Do pictures of Jesus violate the second commandment?
W3: James and Drey share a couple of their cringiest youth ministry stories.Main Topic: How might Christians violate the second commandment today? What was the point of the second commandment? Do pictures of Jesus violate the seco...
Season 13
Episode 3

Should Christians celebrate Jewish festivals?
We discuss whether Christians should celebrate the Jewish festivals prescribed in the Old Testament. Is something that we are required to do? Is this something that would be useful for us to do?
Season 13
Episode 2

Is “The Chosen” Good?
W3: James and Drey discuss Wes Huff’s recent appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast.Main Topic: We give our thoughts on the tv series “The Chosen”. Is “The Chosen” a good interpretation of the Gospels? How should believers interact w...
Season 13
Episode 1

Does God want us to prosper?
W3: We discuss our favorite Christmas movies and whether “Krampus” is counter to the message of Christmas.Main Topic: Does God want us to prosper? What does “prosperity” look like for the Christian? Why is the Prosperity Gospel attracti...
Season 12
Episode 8

Should the church use “hired guns”?
W3: We discuss what we are looking forward at the upcoming annual ETS meeting.Main Topic: Is it okay for churches to hire those outside of the church to fulfill ministry needs and roles? What limits should there be on contract wor...
Season 12
Episode 7

Doing Good for the Wrong Reasons
W3: We discuss the election and our responsibility to pray for governmental leaders.Main Topic: Todays topic is the age old question "is it wrong to do good for bad reasons?"
Season 12
Episode 6

Cultural Engagement: Halloween and the Election
Should Christians celebrate Halloween? How should Christians vote in the election? How do these two issues relate in engaging the culture? We discuss these questions and more.
Season 12
Episode 5

Counseling, Psychology, and the Bible
W3: James and Drey discuss recent tv shows they have been watching.Main Topic: Is Bible enough to handle all mental health issues? Is there room for secular psychology in Biblical counseling? We discuss these questions and more.di...
Season 12
Episode 4

Should Christians practice Sabbath?
W3: James discusses what it is like being on church staff vs being a church member.Main Topic: Why do Christians worship on Sunday? How do we define Sabbath? Should Christians practice Sabbath? We discuss these questions and more.
Season 12
Episode 3

Is hell forever?
W3: We discuss a recent trend of fewer young pastors.Main Topic: Is punishment in hell really eternal? Is it possible to argue annihilation from Scripture? Is eternal punishment just? We discuss these questions and more....
Season 12
Episode 2

Challenging the Truthfulness of Scripture
W3: We are back! We discuss all that has been happening in our lives over the past few months.Main Topic: Can the Bible be infallible but not inerrant? Does the Bible claim inerrancy? Does human involvement mean Scripture mu...
Season 12
Episode 1

Christians and Mental Health
We discuss recent comments made by John MacArthur regarding mental health. What is a biblical view of mental illness? Is it okay to medicate people with mental illness, or is Scripture enough? We discuss these questions and more!
Season 11
Episode 10

Thoughts on Taylor Swift, and does God change His mind?
W3: We discuss our response to Taylor Swifts new album and how Christians should engage with it.Main Topic: Does God ever change His mind in Scripture? What do we do with the passages that seem to suggest He changes His mind?...
Season 11
Episode 9

"A Spirit of Jezebel”: Thoughts on the latest Mark Driscoll controversy
W3: James discusses the spiritual discipline of remembrance. Drey gives the Gen Z word of the week.Main Topic: We discuss the viral Mark Driscoll controversy that happened last week. What are the limits of entertainment at Christian con...
Season 11
Episode 8

Why didn’t the world end at the eclipse?
W3: Drey discusses a new trend amongst Gen Z. James discusses the spiritual practice of a Rule of Life.Main Topic: Why did the solar eclipse not bring the rapture or end of the world? Why did people think it would? Drey and James discus...
Season 11
Episode 7

Can I be a cultural Christian and an atheist?
W3: Drey discusses what it means to “abide” in Jesus. James gives some personal reflections on trusting God.Main Topic: This week, well-known atheist Richard Dawkins described himself as a “Cultural Christian” though he still does...
Season 11
Episode 6

Was the cross divine child abuse?
W3: Drey discusses the meaning of the cup at the Lord’s Supper, and Drey and James discuss a recent controversy concerning the language Elevation church has chosen to use for Easter Sunday.Main Topic: Some argue that Christ’s death on t...
Season 11
Episode 5

Cosmic Atonement?
W3: James discusses what it means to be a peacemaker.Main Topic: Is penal substitutionary atonement a thorough enough definition of Christ’s atoning work? What did Christ’s death and resurrection accomplish on a cosmic scale? James expl...
Season 11
Episode 4

A Biblical View of Investing
W3: Drey and James discuss a new Gen Z word and the practice of “Daily Office”.Main Topic: Should Christians financially invest? Is there a limit to how much Christians should grow their wealth? Is investing in the stock market akin to ...
Season 11
Episode 3

Let’s talk about contraceptives and sex!
W3: We share lessons from recent books we have been reading.Main Topic: Is sex just about having kids? What is the purpose of sex within marriage? Can we use contraceptives? Are all contraceptives okay? We discuss these questions ...
Season 11
Episode 2

Thoughts on “He Gets Us” Super Bowl ad
W3: We discuss some books we have been reading during our hiatus.Main Topic: We dive into the much discussed “He Gets Us” Super Bowl ad. Was there something wrong about the message of this ad? How should Christians respond to this...
Season 11
Episode 1

Do the stories of Jesus’ birth take the Old Testment out of context?
What is the purpose of Old Testament prophecy? Do the Gospel narratives take OT prophecy out of context when applying it to story of Jesus’ birth? We discuss these questions and look at Matthew’s use of Isaiah 7:14 as an example of how the Gosp...
Season 10
Episode 9

Will Jesus reign for 1,000 years?
W3: We discuss some recent thoughts they have had on Generation Z.Main Topic: We discuss the three views of the millennium (post-millennialism, amillennialism, and pre-millennialism) and give our reasons for holding to a premillen...
Season 10
Episode 8

Should you tell your kids about Santa?
W3: Drey discusses his recent trip to the Evangelical Theological Society.Main Topic: What should Christians do about Santa? Is it wrong to tell your kids about or let your kids believe in Santa? We discuss these questions and more!<...
Season 10
Episode 7